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SSCI《Personnel Psychology》征稿: 引导包容与排斥


Personnel Psychology



SSCI (JCR 2023)

IF 4.7

Q1 (MANAGEMENT 92/401)




Navigating Inclusion and Exclusion to Improve Employee Experiences at Work



How can a more nuanced approach to conceptualizing and operationalizing inclusion and exclusion (e.g., by looking into dimensionalities, such as uniqueness vs. belongingness, proactive vs. reactive, retrospective vs. momentary vs. future-oriented) further current understanding?

Are inclusion and exclusion unidimensional constructs that capture bipolar ends on the same continuum or two separate phenomena? What are the most effective ways to measure inclusion and exclusion?

How do inclusion and exclusion operate at the organizational, group, leader, and individual levels?

What are the implications or consequences of employee inclusion and exclusion across daily, individual, group, and organizational levels?

How do individuals’ inclusion and exclusion perceptions emerge into higher-level phenomena and what are their implications?

How do employees’ inclusion and exclusion perceptions unfold and does each process vary based on individual and regional attributes (e.g., gender, age, race, ethnicity, geographic region, religion, dialect, socioeconomic status, and personality traits)?

How do micro-social context (e.g., social interactions) and macro-organizational contexts (e.g., industry characteristics and societal culture) shape employees’ inclusion and exclusion perceptions?

How do group or organizational leaders promote inclusion and prevent exclusion?

How can DEI initiatives impact employees’ inclusion and exclusion experiences at work? Does such an impact differ for employees with dominant and minoritized identities?

How does DEI backlash impact workplace inclusion and exclusion?

How to manage workplace inclusion through human resource management practices to enhance organizational effectiveness? Could a taxonomy be useful to scholars and practitioners?

How to prevent or modify exclusionary human resource management practices and policies? Could a taxonomy be useful to scholars and practitioners?

Are there limits to inclusion? How do we establish what behaviors and expressions are worthy of inclusion?

What are the key steps or stages for organizations to develop inclusive capacities to enhance employee experiences over time?



Submission Deadline: 31 August 2025



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